We just wanted to keep you up to date with what happened on Day 2 of the conference. The day was full of some excellent 50 minute panels and discussions. For the sake of the diary, I will just post one nugget of wisdom for each hour so you can have a sense of the day.
- 6:45 - I wake Dustin up by clapping my hands and exclaiming that today is going to be a good day.
- 6:46 - Just kidding. I turned on the lights and yelled "Wake up, loser! I want donuts before class".
- 7:20 - We toy with the idea of wearing the shirts our friend from Final Draft gave us yesterday and walking around like we work there so we can answer all questions by saying "Oh yes, Final Draft can do that". No matter what question they ask.
- 7:45 - Joke that we are going to announce to everyone that Rainbows and Unicorns will be setting up a table in the lobby to take pitches from everyone who didn't get all of theirs in yesterday. We will be there from 9am until whenever security escorts us out.
- 7:50 - Donuts achieved. We are now fueled by the heady mixture of sugar and caffeine. Let's do this.
- 8:00 - Walking into the hotel. Cabbies lined up out front are yelling at each other and ready to throw down. Not sure if that is an awesome of ominous start of our day.
- 8:05 - We arrive at the conference fashionably late. No one is around. I guess everyone will be staring when we walk in the back.
- 8:07 - We're ready to kick in the doors with both arms held high in victory (might as well own it). There's no one there... because we're morons and everyone else will be here when the conference starts at 9.
- 8:10 - Dustin seems to be blaming this on me solely on the fact that I read the schedule and said when we had to leave. I think he's being a little unfair.
- 8:58 - Finally sit down for session. I am redeemed when another early arrival said he could have sworn the schedule said 8am as well. Statistics say we are are wrong based on every single other attendee arriving at 9, but I still claim victory.
- 9:50 - First session over. Nugget of the day "Working writers do NOT follow THE rules every script guru tells you that you MUST follow." That doesn't mean write a 278 page script, but don't freak out if your inciting incident is not exactly five lines down on page 12.
- 10:40 - Second session nugget, "there is a big difference between an easy read and a fast read". You want the second one.
- 10:51 - Most awkward question ever as the entire panel is staring at the asker with totally blank faces. His subsequent follow-ups of "No, let me explain this better..." are not helping. It's like watching a career implosion in front of my eyes. Brutal.
- 11:21 - Woman is complaining to exec leading class that no one wants to read her fantastic script and it is just so unfair and if someone would just give her a chance they would see how amazing it is but they won't and it's not fair.... whew. (I left the punctuation out on purpose because she seemed to get it out in one breath). She doesn't seem to like the answer that maybe, just maybe, the problem could be in her script. Perish the thought.
- 11:30 - Nugget of class - A hooky idea is one where other writers say "Damn, I wish I had thought of that".
- 11:45 - Bonus nugget "Every story is actually a thriller". (think about it)
- 12:00 - Crepes for lunch. I actually got a savory one, no Nutella in sight. Weird.
- 2:00 - Sorry, after lunch coma, no notes in first session.
- 2:30 - Nugget "Typos get your query letter thrown out". I know we have all heard it. That doesn't make it any less true.
- 2:40 - Exec reminds attendees that desperation is not a good sales turn-on. States that "There is no crying at pitch fests". Not from what we saw yesterday.
- 2:50 - We are told that the first person to the mic can ask the one question of the hour when it is time. I have a question, I am there first standing patiently. A guy who cannot count very well lines up behind me. Moderator gets mad when another woman stands to line up behind him, saying that I get the only question. Being the gentleman I am, I yield the microphone to the young lady since my question was 80% answered as I awkwardly stood there thinking "What do I do now?" As I step away, the guy behind me seems to think the "her" I was referring to meant him and he steps up to the mic. People boo him, I give him a "seriously?" look. He gets the point, I'm a hero.
- 2:51 - Panel doesn't like her question, kind of shoots her down. Now I feel like an a-hole.
- 3:40 - Typos in query letters specifically mentioned again. See a pattern here?
- 3:45 - Brutal question guy is back. Still brutal. Still digging deeper with his follow-ups. Just sit down buddy... for your own sake.
- 3:48 - Oh good, it would seem that brutal question guy brought a friend this time. This guys questions aren't so much awkward as they are a rambling, incoherent mash together of all his technical knowledge with a question mark thrown on the end of it. This session is getting memorable for the wrong reasons. Still a great panel.
- 4:30 - Agent panel nugget, "write a great script". They said more than that, but if you don't have this first part down, you don't need the rest yet.
- 5:00 - Have question we were going to ask panel. They just spent last hour destroying... destroying, the premise of our question. Leave panel deflated.
- 5:20 - Something great happened. Don't want talk about it yet, but it was beyond any of the wildest expectations we had.