So I got this script, it's really awesome. It has placed well in multiple contests, received a "Recommend" from a well established review service, been described as genre re-defining, has been passed from desk to desk and gotten me meetings with managers.
So I have this other script. It has been called an unoriginal piece of work that brings nothing new to the genre, received more than its fair share of "passes" and been savaged in competition.
The difference between these two scripts? Nothing, they are the same script. My point in this is that this is a rejection based business. Even with my best work I have received more than my fair share of rejection. The key to it all is that every time someone tells me they like it and they want to meet with me, the no I received last week really doesn't matter anymore. You can't dwell on your failures, because there are going to be many. But all it takes is one person in the right place to say Yes.
And that contest we got savaged in last year? I entered it again this year, just for kicks, without making any changes. We just got an email this week that it is moving forward and doing well.